Thursday, April 5, 2012

I've Come So Far!

My twist out, it has been a lifesaver since my hair is getting pretty lengthy.  It allows me to keep my hair detangled and wear it "out".  For the most part, I like to keep my hair pretty low maintenance, and this allows me to do just that!  In May I will be doing some tutorial videos to show exactly how I get my twist out look, what products I use, and what has helped me achieve length, and overall healthy hair.  I remember the days back in 2008 when I was beginning my natural hair journey and I was completely clueless!  Which I thought was  insane because being an African American woman I should have known how to care for my hair in it's natural state...but sadly I didn't.  So this led me to search the web for ideas and inspiration.  YouTube was heaven sent because I saw a whole community of beautiful sistas' with the same texture, issues, and hair woes as me.  From the shortest TWA's to long flowing locs it was all beautiful and inspiring.  Everything that I learned to do with my natural hair, I learned from the web.  So this allowed me to learn, and cultivate my own method of caring for my hair.  April 10th will be my natural anniversary, 4 years to be exact!  To this day I am still learning and trying different things.  One of my main objectives for this blog is to answer a few questions that I often hear,...for example...."Girl what are you going to do with all that hair!?"  So now here's my chance to share exactly what I do.  But please be patient with me, my schedule is tight right now, so I may not post as frequently as I would like, but this is something that I'm committed to so it will get done!  But in the mean time, continue to inspire each other in a positive manner....Blessings!


It's taken me almost four years, but I've found it!  My absolute most favorite natural hair products.....drum roll please....SHEA MOISTURE! Ok, so a big round of applause for this success.  Now those of you who can proudly refer to yourselves as a "product junkie" know how awesome it is when you find a product that you absolutely love!  It makes you feel as if you've single handedly split the atom!  Well maybe that was a bit much, but you get the idea.  Now I don't really get into that whole hair type thing, but I believe I'm probably in the 4 area.  My hair is very thick, extremely coarse, and needs extreme amounts of moisture.  To get straight to the point, Shea Moisture products have my vote for several reasons.  I try not to put anything in my hair, or body that I can't pronounce, you know, chemicals...yuck.  On any container of shea moisture that you purchase it states everything that it does not contain, like parabens, phthalates, paraffin, gluten, propylene glycol, mineral oil, synthetic fragrance, animal testing, PABA, synthetic color, DEA, animal ingredients, or sulfates.  And to top it off, it doesn't matter if you buy the deep conditioners, shampoos, or hair milks, each is only $9.99.  I will do different product reviews that focus on one product at a time so I can give a more in depth review of my favorites.  So if you are searching for something to moisturize extremely dry natural hair...this is it!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Please!! Don't touch my hair without asking!!

You would think that a post like this wouldn't even be necessary...but unfortuatley it is.  In my four years of being natural I have come across some rather rude individuals.  Not all the time were they purposley trying to be rude...but their actions were "rude" none the less.  What actually makes an individual think that it is ok to just reach out and touch, grab, pull, or run their fingers through the hair of a natural?!  I mean really,...would you just walk up to a complete stranger and grap their private areas?! I hope not!  Although I'm sure there's of few of you that would!  But seriously, from a womans perspective, our hair is not only a part of our body, it's an extension of our femininity, sexuality, and a part of our overall "allure".  So any unwelcomed touching of our hair is a VIOLATION!  Yes, it is that serious.  But whether you're a woman, man, child, or alien, no one should be touching you, if you've not granted your permission. Period.  So please, if you are intrigued, and feel the need to touch, it's ok....just ask (and get a response) before you do so.  Love you all, be blessed!